13 06, 2014

ECM 2014

2024-10-24T11:35:41+02:00June 13th, 2014|All, Reports|

The 2014 edition focused on challenges for professional communicators within the digital age and rising demands from stakeholders, job attributes and satisfaction as well as career development and mentoring. Moreover, the study researched networking practices [...]

13 06, 2013

ECM 2013

2024-10-24T11:25:50+02:00June 13th, 2013|All, Reports|

In 2013 the monitor researched topics like CEO reputation, crisis communication, international communication, communicating with digital natives and the influence and status of the communication function. The European Communication Monitor 2013 is based on responses [...]

14 06, 2012

ECM 2012

2024-10-24T10:10:05+02:00June 14th, 2012|All, Reports|

What are the main ethical challenges for communication professionals in the 21st century? Which competencies, qualification needs and strategic issues are relevant within the next months? Are integrated communication and one voice policies obsolete in [...]

14 06, 2011

ECM 2011

2024-10-24T10:03:27+02:00June 14th, 2011|All, Reports|

The survey in 2011 captured topics like CEO reporting and decision making, the credibility of public relations, ROI of communication, social media governance as well as qualifications in communications. Furthermore, it demonstrates strategic issues relevant [...]

14 06, 2010

ECM 2010

2024-10-24T09:55:41+02:00June 14th, 2010|All, Reports|

The 2010 edition focused on the impact of the economic recession beginning in 2008 on the communication sector and future resources. Moreover, the survey shed light on topics like job satisfaction, leadership styles of communication [...]

1 06, 2009

ECM 2009

2024-10-24T09:50:22+02:00June 1st, 2009|All, Reports|

The 2009 edition researched how communicators help defining business strategies, budget developments after the economic crisis and upcoming trends in the communications sector. Other sections of the monitor covered measurement and evaluation of communications as [...]

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