29 05, 2020

ECM 2020

2024-10-24T11:57:39+02:00May 29th, 2020|All, Reports|

The 2020 survey explores ethical challenges and resources, cyber security and communications, gender equality in the profession, strategic issues and communication channels, as well as the status quo and future requirements for competency development. The [...]

23 05, 2019

ECM 2019

2024-10-24T11:53:50+02:00May 23rd, 2019|All, Reports|

The 2019 survey explores trust in the PR profession, public trust in different organisational advocates, challenges of building trust and transparency, the most important strategic issues for the profession, Artificial Intelligence in communications, as well [...]

13 06, 2018

ECM 2018

2024-10-24T11:49:36+02:00June 13th, 2018|All, Reports|

Besides key trends like fake news, the ECM 2018 survey explores communications’ contributions to organisational success as well as the work environment for communication professionals in Europe. Work engagement and stress, job satisfaction and its [...]

4 06, 2017

ECM 2017

2024-10-24T11:45:57+02:00June 4th, 2017|All, Reports|

The 2017 survey explores trends like visualisation, social bots, and benchmarking in strategic communication. Other topics covered by the largest study on strategic communication and public relations (PR) worldwide are the consequences of hypermodernity for [...]

13 06, 2016

ECM 2016

2024-10-24T11:42:01+02:00June 13th, 2016|All, Reports|

The 10th anniversary edition covers the usage of big data and algorithms for strategic communication, new ways to enable top management and other staff. Other topics include stakeholder engagement, the role of social media influencer, [...]

13 06, 2015

ECM 2015

2024-10-24T11:37:57+02:00June 13th, 2015|All, Reports|

The focus of the 2015 monitor are blurring boundaries between public relations and marketing, strategies for listening and identifying stakeholder needs, measurement and reporting, collaboration between clients and agencies, and the future relevance of partnering [...]

13 06, 2014

ECM 2014

2024-10-24T11:35:41+02:00June 13th, 2014|All, Reports|

The 2014 edition focused on challenges for professional communicators within the digital age and rising demands from stakeholders, job attributes and satisfaction as well as career development and mentoring. Moreover, the study researched networking practices [...]

13 06, 2013

ECM 2013

2024-10-24T11:25:50+02:00June 13th, 2013|All, Reports|

In 2013 the monitor researched topics like CEO reputation, crisis communication, international communication, communicating with digital natives and the influence and status of the communication function. The European Communication Monitor 2013 is based on responses [...]

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