19 03, 2018

Prof. Dr. Ralph Tench about EUPRERA and future trends

2024-10-24T15:51:00+02:00March 19th, 2018|All, News, Videos|

This video interview with Prof. Dr. Ralph Tench, President of the European Research and Education Association (EUPRERA) provides answers to several questions concerning the main driver organisation behind the European Communication Monitor: What is the [...]

9 03, 2018

Prof. Dr. Ansgar Zerfass about the monitor and the global rollout

2024-10-24T15:41:37+02:00March 9th, 2018|All, News|

This video interview with Prof. Dr. Ansgar Zerfass, Lead Researcher of European Communication Monitor, provides answers to key questions about the study. What is the European Communication Monitor about? The European Communication Monitor is the [...]

13 06, 2016

ECM 2016

2024-10-24T11:42:01+02:00June 13th, 2016|All, Reports|

The 10th anniversary edition covers the usage of big data and algorithms for strategic communication, new ways to enable top management and other staff. Other topics include stakeholder engagement, the role of social media influencer, [...]

1 06, 2009

ECM 2009

2024-10-24T09:50:22+02:00June 1st, 2009|All, Reports|

The 2009 edition researched how communicators help defining business strategies, budget developments after the economic crisis and upcoming trends in the communications sector. Other sections of the monitor covered measurement and evaluation of communications as [...]

14 06, 2008

ECM 2008

2024-10-24T09:46:32+02:00June 14th, 2008|All, Reports|

The 2008 monitor surveyed the decising-making power of communication functions in Europe and the evolution of various communications disciplines. Major challenges for the future of the sector like dealing with sustainable development and social responsibility [...]

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