This year’s European Communication Monitor (ECM) was launched and discussed during the European Communication Summit 2018 on June 13 in Berlin. ECM research team members Piet Verhoeven, Angeles Moreno and Dejan Vercic highlighted and reflected findings of the ECM18. Main topics covered by the presentation have been the question of fake news and how communication professionals tackle this issue. Moreover, Professor Vercic presented the results covering the topic of information provision for decision-makers. He revealed not only results from the survey, but demonstrated also examples how information become insights useable for the management and other decision-makers.
Professor Moreno demonstrated the fact that even though more and more organistions are affected and attacked by fake news, they are not prepared to tackle them appropriately. Many communication departments are not prepared at all. She linked this to the topic of information provision and monitoring. Only by monitoring the environment and data streams it is possible to notice in advance where fake news arise and decide how to tackle them right away. Stephan Fink added in the discussion after the presentation: “It is a bit like crisis communication #crisiscommunication. You need plans, strategies and structures.”
The PDF report with full results as well as more material like 10 Key insights of the 2018 Monitor are available here.