Ansgar Zerfass
Lead researcherProf. Dr. Ansgar Zerfass
is Professor and Chair of Strategic Communication at Leipzig University, Germany; Executive course leader at RSM Rotterdam School of Management; Editor of the ‘International Journal of Strategic Communication’, USA, and ECM lead researcher since 2007. He has published 44 books and almost 450 articles and studies. Google Scholar lists him as the world’s most cited and influential researcher on corporate communications, communication management, and public relations.
Ralph Tench
ResearcherProf. Dr. Ralph Tench
is Director of Research at Leeds Business School in the United Kingdom. His research involves international funded projects from the private sector, the European Union, and research councils. He is author of Europe’s best-selling textbook on strategic communication, “Exploring PR and management communication” (5th ed., Pearson).
Aurélie Laborde
ResearcherProf. Dr. Aurélie Laborde
is Professor and Director of the graduate program in communication of organizations at Bordeaux Montaigne University, France, and Editorial Director of ‘Communication & Organisation’, the only francophone academic journal focusing on corporate communications.
Alexander Buhmann
ResearcherAssoc. Prof. Dr. Alexander Buhmann
is Associate Professor of Corporate Communication at BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway. His research is situated at the intersection of communication, digital technology, and management with focus on reputation management, digitalization, and artificial intelligence.
Ángeles Moreno
ResearcherProf. Dr. Ángeles Moreno
is Professor of Public Relations and Communication Management at University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain. Her research has been awarded by the most prominent academic associations in Europe, Latin America, and North America. She is one of the most influential female social scientists in Spain.
Stefania Romenti
ResearcherProf. Dr. Stefania Romenti
is Professor of Strategic Communication and Public Relations at IULM University, Milan, Italy, and Past President of the European Public Relations and Education Association (EUPRERA), Brussels. Her research interests focus on the strategic role of communication within the governance of organizations.
Caroline Siegel
Project manager & assistant researcherCaroline Siegel, M.A.
is project manager for the European Communication Monitor since 2023 and works as a research associate at Leipzig University, Germany, with Prof. Dr. Ansgar Zerfass.
Study organizerEuropean Public Relations Education and Research Association